
Sunday Oct 20, 2024
Emily Glazer - Wall Street Journal - Power & Influence
Sunday Oct 20, 2024
Sunday Oct 20, 2024
Elon Musk incited the troll hordes upon Emily Glazer. Not only did she live to tell the tale, she went on to write bombshell stories on Musk's drug use. Talk about not pulling your punches. Glazer, who reports on power and influence at the Wall Street Journal, talks about her roller coaster career and how she manages to produce so many big stories.
Countries featured: United States, Mexico
Publications featured: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Sun, Austin American Statesmen
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Emily's Daily Northwestern story on female professors' tenure - https://bit.ly/4hriAgD
The Facebook Files - https://bit.ly/4hfAF0I
Her first story on Elon Musk's drug use - https://bit.ly/3UhA9Wj
Her story on Barclays CEO's Jeffrey Epstein links - https://bit.ly/4fdyHvZ
Popular Information newsletter - https://bit.ly/3YdHUh5
Empire of Pain - https://bit.ly/3BSzIve
Her story on drug money in Arizona - https://bit.ly/3YtsqqF
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
Daniel Alvarenga - El Salvador - Humo podcast
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
Humo: Murder and Silence in El Salvador connects a gruesome story of mass murder in El Salvador to a larger shift in the country's society with the election of Nayib Bukele. Daniel Alvarenga (@pipianspice), host of the English-language version of the podcast, brings years of experience reporting on El Salvador as well as his experience as a Salvedorean-American to the show. He discusses his backdoor route into journalism, years spent making viral news videos and his struggles to make a career of telling Central American stories.
Countries featured: USA, El Salvador, Honduras
Publications featured: Al Jazeera (AJ+), Telemundo, KCSB, Rolling Stone
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Humo podcast - https://bit.ly/3y8tEgM
Newsbroke on AJ+ - https://bit.ly/4c97nxn
His mini doc Why Are Indigenous People Dying at the Border - https://bit.ly/3LyDKKM
His mini doc Why So Many Palestinians Live in El Salvador - https://bit.ly/3YeFKQ8
Bryan Avelar on X - https://x.com/bavelarr
Revista Factum - https://www.revistafactum.com/
Atmos Magazine - https://atmos.earth/
Atmos article on El Salvador - https://bit.ly/3zPUfQ1
Atmos story on Congo cobalt - https://bit.ly/3xX3EVB
60 Songs that Explain the 90s podcast - https://bit.ly/46iTUl1
Locatora Radio episode on protest dad - https://bit.ly/4d7fM56
Menudo: Forever Young docuseries - https://bit.ly/4d831Hw
The book News for All the People - https://bit.ly/3SilzwV
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Jen Wieczner - Features - New York Magazine
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
“If someone were going to make this story into a movie, I want to hear about the scenes that would be in it.” Notable scenes of Jen Wieczner's career include commuting from Boston to New York while juggling a juice bar job and a journalism internship, scrambling for interviews in Japan, and attending the Goldman Sachs CEO's late night DJ set. Now a features writer at New York Magazine, she discusses how she approaches long-form stories on finance and other topics.
Countries featured: United States, Japan
Publications featured: Fast Company, Marie Claire, Smart Money, Market Watch, Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, New York Magazine
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Jen's profile of an abrasive chess master - https://bit.ly/3Xk1nOq
Her story Why Your Boss is Dumping Your Wife - https://bit.ly/4c36wPd
Her profile of Mylan's CEO Heather Bresch - https://bit.ly/4blkawh
Her profile of Steve Cohen's return to hedge funds - https://bit.ly/4elwI9n
Her story on How High Can Bitcoing Go - https://bit.ly/4eADdWa
Her story The Crypto Geniuses Who Vaporized a Trillion Dollars - https://bit.ly/3XrnXou
Her story about nannies in NYC - https://bit.ly/4eqNSTe
The Atlantic article Bill Ackman Is a Brilliant Fictional Character - https://bit.ly/3VGzkYe
Reeve's Wiedeman's book on WeWork - https://bit.ly/4aZMxQk
Jen's story on Mt. Gox in Japan - https://bit.ly/3Vpxmds
Her Fortune profile of the Goldman Sachs CEO - https://bit.ly/3VoC37b
Her NYMag profile of the Goldman Sachs CEO - https://bit.ly/3VHDJKy
New York Post cover on the Oculus leaking - https://tinyurl.com/36dpkc27
New York Daily News cover on the Oculus leaking - https://images.app.goo.gl/3dP4hzYhBeDJLu3p6
Matt Levine's Bloomberg newsletter - https://tinyurl.com/mxyvmmuk
Patrick Radden Keefe's profile of Larry Gagosian - https://tinyurl.com/hukku73u
Jessica Pressler on Wikipedia - https://tinyurl.com/yeyjwsdt
The movie She Said on IMDb - https://tinyurl.com/3shuv74z
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Thursday May 02, 2024
Sean Collins Walsh - Philadelphia Inquirer - Politics
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
"To tab. Verb. To rewrite a news article in a tabloid-style." We learn a new word in this episode of the podcast from Sean Collins Walsh, a City Hall reporter at the Philadelphia Inquirer. Sean looks back on his first job at the tabloid Philadelphia Daily News and a career that has landed him reporting back in his hometown of Philly.
Countries featured: USA, Uganda
Publications featured: Philadelphia Daily News, Austin American-Statesmen, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
The first FoCo episode - https://bit.ly/44qOJyC
The Toner Prize - https://bit.ly/44lRQIb
Sean's story on the ethics board probe into Jeff Brown - https://bit.ly/44wjlPd
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Monday Apr 01, 2024
Alden Wicker - Author of To Dye For
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Monday Apr 01, 2024
A promising journalism career briefly takes a dark turn down the path of Instagram influencing. Alden Wicker, a freelance journalist and author, managed to come out the other side. Her career as a sustainable fashion journalist - as the editor of EcoCult and freelancer for numerous big name publications - culminated with her book To Dye For. We also discuss manifesting, MDMA and sex parties.
Countries featured: U.S.A., Bangladesh, India
Publications featured: Huffington Post, LearnVest, Newsweek, EcoCult, WIRED, Quartz, Refinery29, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, VTDigger
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
My story in the Overseas Press Club Award-winning series - https://bit.ly/4ac8bBa
Alden's book To Dye For on Amazon.com - https://bit.ly/4afMBf5
EcoCult - https://ecocult.com
Alden's story for Newsweek - https://bit.ly/43ByRch
Her story about American Spirit cigarettes - https://bit.ly/4aCD5Cu
Her story on a startup sex party with a questionable founder - https://bit.ly/4cEZwcg
Her Harper's Bazaar story on toxic clothing - https://bit.ly/43FM5og
Sourcing Journal - https://sourcingjournal.com
Rebecca Solnit's story In the Shadow of Silicon Valley - https://bit.ly/4cD02Hw
Alden's story about Burning Man environmental impacts - https://bit.ly/3xknjOw
The book She Said - https://bit.ly/4aBJmP2
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Monday Nov 20, 2023
David Luhnow - UK & Mexico - Wall Street Journal
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Born in Mexico to American parents, David Luhnow (@davidluhnow) returned to report on the country for decades. Luhnow talks about the tectonic shifts in Mexico and yet, how through all this time, the country's institutions continue to fail. The mental toll of years reporting on Mexico's drug war contributed to his leaving to become the current United Kingdom bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal. Also, he gets punched in the face.
Countries featured: Mexico, Panama, Iraq, Egypt, United Kingdom
Publications featured: The Mexico City News, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal
Here are links to some of the things we talked about
David's story on the UK university system - https://bit.ly/3szftyy
Yaroslav Trofimov on WSJ.com - https://bit.ly/47AewFv
David's story A Day in the Life of Baghdad - https://bit.ly/3SKiWoB
His story on the Treasure of Nimrud in Iraq - https://bit.ly/3SMB692
His story on the Iraq cigarette company - https://bit.ly/3R5jYKp
His story on murder in Acapulco - https://bit.ly/47ksI5f
His story on a high school kidnap ring - https://bit.ly/49KE8AY
Mexico's Reforma newspaper - https://bit.ly/49CUpb7
Letras Libras - https://letraslibres.com
The Rest is History podcast - https://bit.ly/49FBYlT
New Yorker story "How the Elderly Lose Their Rights" - https://bit.ly/3sFz3Js
José de Córdoba's story on the Russian yacht in Antigua - https://bit.ly/40K1fr4
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Andrew Downie - Latin America & Sports
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Leaving school at age 16 for a technical apprenticeship, Andrew Downie (@adowniebrazil) would stumble into his first journalism job while traveling in Mexico. Within five years he'd be working for The New York Times in Haiti. After decades of covering Latin America, Andrew now lives in Spain where he is working on a biography of soccer legend Pelé.
Countries featured: Brazil, Haiti, Mexico, Spain, Scotland
Publications featured: The Mexico City News, UPI, New York Times, The Houston Chronicle, Time magazine, Reuters
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Andrew's website - https://bit.ly/3rdleRx
His biography of Socrates - https://bit.ly/44RTmA9
The Instagram dedicated to Socrates - https://bit.ly/3PxT9xO
Tariq Panja on Twitter - https://bit.ly/3EBn3Ln
Always Take Notes podcast - https://bit.ly/3sJQ4Sl
Unofficial Partner podcast - https://bit.ly/3LiNqt0
Tommy Tomlinson substack - https://bit.ly/45PWQof
Wright Thompson on Longform - https://bit.ly/3Ew7hRS
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Liana Baker - Mergers & Acquisitions - Bloomberg
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Business is a lot like sports. It's competitive and stock prices keep the score. Also keeping score is one of the world's highest powered business journalists: Liana Baker (@LianaBaker), managing editor for the Bloomberg deals team in the United States. She talks about how dabbling in sports, foreign reporting and environment eventually led her down the path of hardcore business reporting on the M&A beat.
Countries featured: United States, Israel, Brazil, South Korea
Publications featured: MarketWatch, Reuters, Bloomberg
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Ringette on Wikipedia - https://bit.ly/45ndwTK
The Media Line website - https://bit.ly/3qRwSRX
Liana tells how she got the story on Soft Bank selling Sprint to T-mobile - https://bit.ly/45kcNTy
Her story on Broadcom buying VMWare - https://bit.ly/3OM23pO
Dealreporter - https://bit.ly/45HWe3u
Barstool Sports - https://bit.ly/45ASoK9
The House of Gucci by Sara Gay Forden - https://bit.ly/3ONWqYn
Megan Twohey on Twitter - https://bit.ly/3lVRUIO
The Dropout on Hulu - https://bit.ly/45iVtyj
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Gloria Dickie - Reuters / Author of Eight Bears - London
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Can you name the world's eight bear species? Gloria Dickie (@GloriaDickie), a London-based Climate & Environment Correspondent for Reuters, has documented them all in her book Eight Bears. Gloria tells the improbable story of how she conceived and reported the book while working as a freelancer and living on the road as she traveled the world in search of each bear.
Countries featured: USA, Canada, Vietnam, China, India, Peru, Ecuador, UK
Publications featured: National Geographic, Mongabay, New York Times, Reuters
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Where to buy or pre-order Gloria's book Eight Bears - https://bit.ly/3NzkCwQ
Chasing Ice documentary - https://bit.ly/46ugiYr
The Human Element documentary - https://bit.ly/3CXPDWA
Her story on the end of grizzly bear hunting in British Columbia - https://bit.ly/3XynWgc
Her story on maggot farming - https://bit.ly/46rwycR
Her AirCanada story on pandas - https://bit.ly/3CTsCE6
Her NatGeo story about sloth bears - https://bit.ly/3XBYIOa
Her NYT story on Indian tigers maybe getting COVID - https://bit.ly/3XyxW9k
Her story about honey bees on U.S. public land - https://bit.ly/3XBEKmv
A Private War on IMDb - https://bit.ly/3XBwgMn
Fire of Love on IMDb - https://bit.ly/3pwlMBm
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org

Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Lina Sinjab - Syria/Lebanon - BBC
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
There are no happy endings in Syria after more than a decade of war. Lina Sinjab (@BBCLinaSinjab), a BBC correspondent based in Beirut, talks about covering the civil war from the start and the terrible toll it has taken on her and her home country. As a multi-format journalist, she regularly produces radio and video documentaries as well as written articles from Syria and the wider region.
Countries featured: Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, UK, Yeman, Libya
Publications featured: BBC, New Lines Magazine
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
Lina's 2010 radio documentary on Syria's economy and corruption - https://bit.ly/41jXrwo
Her 2016 radio doc "A Failed Revolution" - https://bit.ly/3ogUcHj
Trailer for her doc "Madness in Aleppo" - https://bit.ly/3UIf8TR
Her documentary "Surryat" (Arabic version) - https://bit.ly/3UVw9Kp
Her story on Yemen Nobel prize winner Tawakul Karman - https://bit.ly/3oiQv3V
Syrian publication Al-Jumhuriya - https://bit.ly/3A4lWS6
Syrian news site Enab Baladi - https://bit.ly/3KK5viV
Middle Eastern media network Raseef22 - https://bit.ly/3UHoM8X
Lebanese site Daraj - https://bit.ly/3A4m4B4
New Lines Magazine - https://bit.ly/3A15iD1
Guardian story Massacre in Tadamon - https://bit.ly/3KHavof
Follow us on Twitter @foreignpod or on Facebook at facebook.com/foreignpod
Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org